Prince Harry insists he hasn’t missed alcohol during his time on the frontline.
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The 23-year-old army officer – who has been secretly fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan for 10 weeks but is now being withdrawal after the news blackout was broken – had been nicknamed the ‘Party Prince’ for his love of clubbing and drinking.
However, he has now shown he can survive in basic conditions and that his life isn’t one big party, as some observers have previously claimed.
Speaking while serving in the dangerous Helmand Province, he said: “It’s bizarre. I’m out here now, haven’t really had a shower for four days, haven’t washed my clothes for a week and everything seems completely normal.
“What am I missing the most? Nothing really. Music, we’ve got music, we’ve got light, we’ve got food, we’ve got (non-alcoholic) drink.
“No I don’t miss booze, if that’s the next question. It’s nice just to be here with all the guys and just mucking in as one of the lads.”
Harry – who had been commanding Spartan tanks as a battlefield air controller – did admit there were some things he was looking forward to when he returns home.
He said: “I can’t wait to get back and sit on a sofa. It’s going to be ridiculous after bouncing around in a turret, my hips are bruised, my a**e is bruised.
“It’s nice to get out here, live it rough so that when you get back you can actually appreciate it.”
Harry is expected to fly back home to the UK by the end of the weekend.