JOHN CLEESE is working on a stage musical of A Fish Called Wanda.
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“One thing I am doing which amuses me immensely is the musical version of A Fish Called Wanda,” said Cleese.
A Fish Called Wanda was one of the Monty Python star’s most successful forays into the world of movies, landing him an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay.
Given that Wanda is classic farce material – it’s plot centres on a group of double-crossing jewel thieves – you can see how it would translate well to the stage, but finding music that fits might be trickier [shoot yourself if you Mouthed Diamonds are Forever].
Cleese ia a busy man at the moment in other ways.
Earlier this month he celebrated the 40th anniversary of the first Python show with his comedy comrades and he is currently on tour in Norway, then the US, with A Ludicrous Evening with John Cleese… or How to Finance Your Divorce.
As the title implies, it’s a handy way to pay off his most recent divorce settlement. He’s not bitter, thankfully.
“I get angry that I have to pack my trunk, just to go away to make money,” said Cleese.
“That I, at my age, would have to plan my life anew to pay her all the money she is to get for the next seven years – well, it irritates me. I’d rather have been drinking coffee, reading books and writing. I can’t afford that now.”