Queen Elizabeth is celebrating her son Prince Charles’ 60th birthday in November with an exclusive exhibition of Leonardo da Vinci paintings from her own collection at a Scottish museum.

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The 10 priceless drawings – which are rarely shown to the public and have never been exhibited in Scotland – will be on display at Stirling’s Smith Museum and Art Gallery throughout October. When Charles celebrates his 60th birthday on November 14, the exhibition will move elsewhere.

Elspeth King, curator of the museum, said: “This exhibit is the thrill of a lifetime. There are ten original da Vinci drawings that represent different aspects of his life and thoughts. One of skull and crossbones represents his work in anatomy and one of reeds represents his work in botany.”

However, organising the exhibition was not cheap for the museum – it had to
invest a staggering £60,000 in security to obtain the paintings for display.