LONDON has been crowned Vegetarian Capital of the World by animal rights group Peta (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals).

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In its survey, Peta sleuths were impressed by London’s range of vegetarian restaurants, praised the way even meat-serving places usually have a veggie option and liked the handy ‘V’ symbol used on menus to designate meat-free meals.

In this case V means victory for London over meatier rivals like Los Angeles, New York, Melbourne and Mumbai, which made up Peta’s top five vegie-friendly cities.

London Mayor Boris Johnson reacted with pride to the news.

“We have a noble history of vegetarianism, so it is great news to be crowned the best city on earth to enjoy meat-free nosh,” he said.

“We are helping to cultivate a taste for all things veggie by supporting green-fingered efforts by all Londoners to grow their own fresh fruit and veg.”

Sir Paul McCartney, a long-time veggie and Peta supporter, backed the survey’s findings:

“After 40 years of touring as a vegetarian, I’m proud to say that when it comes to eating, there’s no place like home,” he said.