LONDON’S rubbish could produce enough electricity to power two million homes, says a new study for the London Assembly.
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Now the authors of the report, called Where There’s Muck There’s Brass, want Boris Johnson to make their waste-to-power plan happen.
“The Mayor must take the lead on further measures to help jump-start waste management step change,” said Murad Qureshi, London Assembly Environment Committee chairman.
“Waste to energy technology will help the capital reduce greenhouse gases, cut down on waste sent to landfill, increase renewable energy generation, benefit the economy and create jobs.”
At the moment, most of London’s annual 22 million tonnes of trash is taken by lorries outside the capital to end its days buried in landfill sites, a solution which is seen as unsustainable.
London Mayor Johnson is currently working on his own waste-management scheme and is thought likely to want a greater emphasis on recycling rubbish rather than using it for an energy source.
That’s because recycling is seen as the greenest option, whereas turning muck into brass/energy has its its own downside in terms of pollution and nasty emissions.