KATE MOSS had lesbian sex with Courtney Love, according to the Hole singer herself.

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Love recently hinted she had slept with a famous model who chased her around a Milan hotel room to get what she wanted. Kurt Cobain’s ex has now put a name to her tale.

“It was Kate Moss,” Hole, 45, told Irish celeb magazine Hot Press.

“I hope she doesn’t get mad that I outed her about it. It happened and it was fun and whatever. It’s a great story for the grandchildren. It was just a thing that happened in Milan in the Nineties.”

From what Love told Hot Press, she wasn’t the only woman to have enjoyed sex with La Moss, now 36 and therefore in her early 20s at the time of the alleged bedroom session.

“I feel like such a kiss and tell,” she said.

“Kate’s great, though! Kate’s a good friend of mine. I almost bought her house in St John’s Wood, London.”