OSAMA BIN LADEN’S death at the hands of US Navy Seals is already the subject of a Hollywood movie, to be directed by Hurt Locker Oscar winner Kathryn Bigelow.

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Provisionally titled Kill Bin Laden, the movie was in production long before Monday’s assassination of the Al Qaeda leader; its plot concerned an earlier, failed attempt on the uber-terrorist’s life.

Script writer Mark Boal – who worked with Bigelow on Iraq War film Hurt Locker – is now hurriedly re-drafting the screenplay to bring it up to date.

So far, there is no information as to who will star in the movie, but Bigelow could follow the format of Hurt Locker by casting relative unknowns in order to “underscore the tension with a sense of unpredictability”, as she put it.

Kill Bin Laden is due to start shooting within two months.