Russell Brand is set to star in a movie version of Worzel Gummidge.

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The funnyman is being lined up by producers to play the famous talking scarecrow in the big screen remake of the classic 1980s TV show, according to the Daily Star.

The series – which was set in a rural village – was a huge hit and saw late Doctor Who actor Jon Pertwee take on the title role alongside Una Stubbs, who played his sidekick Aunt Sally.

Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson is being lined up to helm the project and Patrick Pidgeon – who is already producing an adaptation of another 80s classic Rentaghost – is trying to convince Hollywood bosses to give it the go-ahead.

He said: ”It’s had zero exposure here (in the US). You’re pitching it and they have a blank look on their faces. But I’m talking to writers and trying to reboot it. I want to completely re-imagine the story.”

He thinks Russell would be perfect for the lead role as he wants the character to be slightly different from the TV version.

Patrick added: ”The actor who plays Worzel doesn’t have to look like the late Jon Pertwee. I want to come up with a totally new way of how the character became Worzel. And maybe we could take him out of a rural setting into a Victoria town.”