NAOMI CAMPBELL is using the Jewish cult Kabbalah to help cure her temper.
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Legendary for her susceptibility to the red mist, Campbell has been convicted of assaults on her staff and two years ago did 200 hours community service after being found guilty of assaulting two cops at Heathrow airport.
But those days are no more and it’s all thanks to the mystic religious cult also espoused by Madonna.
“What you can change is yourself and the type of energy you put into yourself and I study Kabbalah because it takes me to a positive, calm place,” she said.
“That’s what I use it for, and it helps me a lot.”
But though Kabbalah seems to have done the trick, Campbell cautions that it has taken a long time and plenty of hard graft for its effects to come through.
“I’ve been in and out of Kabbalah since around 2000,” she admitted.
“I’ve been practicing. I don’t know if I’ve been pronouncing everything right, but I’ve been practicing.”