Elizabeth Hurley says she eats loads more than once-tubby boyfriend Shane Warne.

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“Shane is very disciplined when he has to be but, bizarrely, I eat at least three times more than him because I’m far greedier and think about food all day long,” Hurley told Zest magazine.

“He’s naturally very athletic because he’s been a professional sportsman for over 20 years. He keeps threatening to make me run with him, but I’ve resisted so far!”

Despite her love of food, the Austin Powers star admits she puts “pressure” on herself to stay slim because she continues to model her swimwear line.

She said: “I put myself under pressure to remain slim because I still model my own bikinis but it is much more difficult to feel motivated in the gloomy winter.

“I wrap myself up and try to walk every day with my dogs and sometimes force myself to run a bit – but I hate it. I love Pilates and yoga but, again, am more likely to do them in the spring and summer.”