JUSTIN BIEBER is so pleased with his own Madame Tussauds waxwork that he wants to take the clunky model home.

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“It’s pretty incredible to see,” said Bieber at yesterday’s ceremonial unveiling held at the famous waxworks’ Baker Street HQ.

“I’m taller, but this was a point in time. It looks awesome. I’m taking him home with me!”

As well as a likeness at Tussauds’ London branch, there are also to be Bieber replicas at Tussauds’ Amsterdam and New York sites. All feature the Baby singer with his trademark Playmobil hair style, despite Bieber’s recent switch to a spikier look.

“The interest in Justin’s figure has been truly phenomenal,” said Tussauds’ Liz Edwards.

“We were inundated with requests from young fans to include him and, since we announced that we were indeed making his figure, we’ve been besieged by ‘Beliebers’ wanting to know when they can come and see him.”

Watch the official Bieber waxwork unveiling here.