Jennifer Lopez says her baby son screams like her husband.

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The star, who gave birth to her first children with Marc Anthony – twins Max and Emme in January, revealed they already have very different personalities.

She said: “Max is like Marc. He’s got Marc’s lungs, and he screams and he’s strong, very boyish. Emme’s very delicate and quiet, but you can’t mess with her.”

The 39-year-old star also says she and Marc hope to have more children.

She added to US TV show Entertainment Tonight: “I’d love to have more kids. I don’t know when, we’ll see, you know, that’s the same way my first ones happened! We’ll just do it the same way for the second time.”

Jennifer posed for a special book of photos two weeks before giving birth to celebrate her pregnant figure.

She said: “I was like, ‘How am I going to rock this moment of my life?’ I felt very womanly. Marc was in a dream. He loved it.”