GIGGS’s UK tour – due to start in Birmingham tonight – has been called off after police warned venues of “concerns” they had about “potential risk”.

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“Police advised that there were concerns about potential risk to the event, if it took place,” said a spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police, whose area covers the Islington Academy, where Giggs was due to perform on 4 March.

“I just want to thank the police for all this great promotion that they’re giving me,” a sarcastic Giggs told the BBC in response.

“All these cancellations and that is just making me more powerful.”

The police admitted sounding out venues, but said the plan to cancel the south Londoner’s tour was not theirs.

“It is routine for police to work with licensed venues to identify and manage risk assessments for upcoming performances, but the decision to cancel an event is a matter for the venue itself,” said the Met’s spokesperson.

The Walk in Da Park rapper has previously accused the police of trying to stop record label XL from signing him.

“This is how it’s been from the beginning, it’s just that everyone is hearing about it now,” said Giggs today.