Doctor Who stars are to film a Wild West-themed episode in Spain.

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The Doctor – played by Matt Smith – and his companion Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) will do battle against a half-human half-robot Terminator-style beast which patrols a Victorian-era western town, with the scenes being filmed in Almeria, which has a pre-constructed street of western-style houses and saloons.

More than 100 movies have been filmed on the two sets there, including The Magnificent Seven and spaghetti westerns like The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. BBC chiefs say it was more cost effective to travel there than build a set in the UK.

An insider told The Sun: ”Matt and Karen are really excited about the episode.

”Filming on the same set as a lot of western films, together with the Spanish weather, will give it an epic feel.”

The cowboy-themed episode will feature two guest stars.

According to the new issue of Doctor Who magazine, Adrian Scarborough – who is best known as Mr. Pritchard in Upstairs Downstairs – will play a character called Kahler-Jex, while Farscape actor Ben Browder will also make an appearance.

The western episode will be the third in the new series, which returns to BBC1 in the autumn.