AMY WINHOUSE is “in denial” over her problems with drink and drugs, according to the singer’s parents.

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“The need to rescue her is enormous; Amy is in denial all the time,” said Janis Winehouse, Amy’s mum.

“I just want her to be okay and I would do whatever it took to make that right. Amy is in denial all the time. She probably feels trapped, her body is trapping her.

“But I know with addiction you do not have the choice because the substance itself directs you.”

On the brighter side, dad Mitch says that his daughter is off the drugs, but that she can’t yet shake off the hold drink has on her.

These occasional alcohol incidents are what Mitch calls, “backward steps” on the road to recovery.

Asked whether he thought Amy would get back with estranged husband Blake Fielder-Civil, Mitch was adamant.

“The option of them being together is too horrible to contemplate,” he said. Mitch is known to blame Blake, or at least the effect Blake had on Amy, for his daughter’s descent into drug hell.