ELIZABETH HURLEY is free to become Mrs Shane Warne, after being handed a divorce from Arun Nayar at a London court today.

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Technically, Hurley and Nayar’s marriage isn’t completely over as today’s business at the Principal Registry Court was to grant a decree nisi. In six weeks time, they’ll get the full-on decree absolute.

Hurley, 46, and Warne hit the headlines last year when, via their respective Twitter feeds, the besotted couple revealed juicy titbits of their burgeoning affair.

Despite a few hiccups along the way, they have remained close ever since and, with the legal stuff sorted, are expected to appear together in public more often.

Warne, 41, was divorced from wife Simone back in 2007, only to patch things up in 2009. He is still thought to be living with his ex-wife and his three children.