BOY GEORGE has given prison fashion the thumbs down, singling out gaol denim as particularly “horrible”.

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“You have to wear these really horrible denim trousers and a stripy shirt tucked in. I looked like a lesbian,” the singer told Sony Ericsson Pocket TV.

On the plus side, George, who spent four months in Newmarket’s Edmunds Hill prison last year, was able to wear his own clothes most of the time, but there was a catch.

“You wear your own clothes in the daytime – nothing too fancy – you’re not allowed hoods. Hoodies are banned,” he said.

Summing up his sartorial experiences in chokey, George said:

“It wasn’t anything like the new Lady GaGa video: it was not like that at all.”

Despite George’s protestations, prison gear is reckoned to have had a major influence on fashion over the last couple of decades.

For example, experts believe the fads for wearing jeans very low and trainers very loose stem from life inside, where belts and laces are often confiscated.