The Fire Inside (12A)
Cast: Brian Tyree Henry, Ryan Destiny, Jazmin HeadleyGenre: Drama
Author(s): Barry Jenkins
Director: Rachel Morrison
Release Date: 07/02/2025 (selected cinemas)
Running Time: 109mins
Country: US
Year: 2024
Claressa "T-Rex" Shields lives in the economically challenged community of Flint, Michigan, with her mother Jackie and siblings. Boxing coach Jason Crutchfield allows Claressa to take part in boys-only lessons and instantly recognises her passion. They work tirelessly to prepare her for the 2012 Olympic Games in London, where she could become the first American woman to win a gold medal in her sport.
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London Cinemas Showing The Fire Inside
From: Friday 14th February
To: Thursday 20th February
Sat/Tue 12:00; Sun 11:40; Thu 11:20
Sat 11:30; Mon-Wed 11:20
Wed 09:15
From: Friday 21st February
To: Thursday 27th February
No cinema infomation at the moment
UK and Irish Cinemas Showing The Fire Inside
From: Friday 14th February
To: Thursday 20th February
Odeon Manchester Great Northern
Tue/Wed 17:50
Tue 09:00; Wed 09:05
Tue 09:20
From: Friday 21st February
To: Thursday 27th February
No cinema infomation at the moment