Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich + Riley Was Here
Cast: Michael Pare, Charlyne Yi, Thomas Lennon, Julio Trinidad, Elena DeversGenre: Horror
Author(s): S Craig Zahler, Mike Marrero, Jon Rhoads
Director: Tommy Wiklund, Sonny Laguna, Mike Marrero, Jon Rhoads
Running Time: 99mins
Country: UK/US
Year: 2018
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London Cinemas Showing Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich + Riley Was Here
From: Friday 14th February
To: Thursday 20th February
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From: Friday 21st February
To: Thursday 27th February
No cinema infomation at the moment
UK and Irish Cinemas Showing Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich + Riley Was Here
From: Friday 14th February
To: Thursday 20th February
No cinema infomation at the moment
From: Friday 21st February
To: Thursday 27th February
No cinema infomation at the moment