NT Live Encore Screening: The Motive And The Cue (Subtitled) (15)
Cast: Johnny Flynn, Mark GatissGenre: Drama
Author(s): Jack Thorne
Director: Sam Mendes
Release Date: 21/03/2024 (selected cinemas)
Running Time: 165mins
Country: UK
Year: 2024
Sam Mendes directs Mark Gatiss as John Gielgud and Johnny Flynn as Richard Burton in Jack Thorne's incendiary drama, recorded live on the stage of the National Theatre in London during last year's sold-out run. It is 1964 and Richard Burton is basking in the glow of his marriage to Elizabeth Taylor as he prepares to assume the title role in Shakespeare's Hamlet.
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London Cinemas Showing NT Live Encore Screening: The Motive And The Cue (Subtitled)
From: Friday 7th February
To: Thursday 13th February
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From: Friday 14th February
To: Thursday 20th February
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UK and Irish Cinemas Showing NT Live Encore Screening: The Motive And The Cue (Subtitled)
From: Friday 7th February
To: Thursday 13th February
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From: Friday 14th February
To: Thursday 20th February
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