Flight Risk (15)
Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Dockery, Topher GraceGenre: Action
Author(s): Jared Rosenberg
Director: Mel Gibson
Release Date: 24/01/2025
Running Time: 91mins
Country: US
Year: 2025
US Marshal Madolyn Harris tracks down mob boss Moretti's fugitive accountant Winston to the Igloo Motel in Alaska and places him in protective custody in exchange for explosive testimony against his former employer. She charters a plane to Anchorage to personally escort Winston to an impending trial in New York. Once the pair are airborne, Winston notices the photograph on Daryl Booth's pilot's licence doesn't match the man sitting behind the controls.
LondonNet Film Review
Flight Risk (15) Film Review from LondonNet
Statistically, planes are one of the safest forms of transportation. That’s certainly not the case in the propulsive action thriller Flight Risk, which welcomes back Mel Gibson to the director’s chair for the first time in almost a decade. Predominantly set inside the claustrophobic interior of a Cessna Grand Caravan cruising at 3,000 feet, this high-stakes game of airborne cat and mice invites Mark Wahlberg to gleefully take the hinges off his heroic screen persona and embrace the extravagant flourishes of a psychopath who delights in tearing victims limb from limb and gouging out their eyeballs. “I’m going to enjoy this!” he snarls directly into camera, getting his blood pumping for the next round of wanton carnage…
Audiences can set their brains to autopilot for extended periods of Gibson’s picture, which lingers on props that play a pivotal role in the battle for survival, telegraphing twists and turns in Jared Rosenberg’s script. Turbulence promised by Wahlberg’s villain manifests largely in real-time and a flirtation between Michelle Dockery’s embattled heroine and a pilot (voiced by Maaz Ali) on the ground provides welcome comic relief in addition to a droll stream of consciousness that pours from Topher Grace’s loose-lipped government witness. We can relate to the mob wanting to permanently silence his chatterbox.
The introduction of digitally rendered Alaskan wildlife for a mild jump scare is shocking for its lack of realism and the joins between practical and computer-generated effects in a climactic stunt sequence are jarringly visible too. Thankfully, Gibson focuses on three solid central performances and bruising mid-air fisticuffs.
US Marshal Madolyn Harris (Dockery) tracks down mob boss Moretti’s fugitive accountant Winston (Grace) to the Igloo Motel in Alaska and places him in protective custody in exchange for explosive testimony against his former employer. She charters a plane to Anchorage to personally escort Winston to an impending trial in New York. Her shackled prisoner is unimpressed by his private transport. “This is a kite with seatbelts,” he scoffs.
The flight over treacherous, snow-capped wilderness should take “90 minutes or so”, according to friendly pilot Daryl Booth (Wahlberg). Once the trio are airborne, Winston notices the photograph on Booth’s pilot’s licence doesn’t match the man sitting behind the controls. It transpires that this Daryl is a sadistic hit man hired by the mob to take exquisite pleasure in torturing the snitch until he is incapable of testifying in court.
Flight Risk is a lean, muscular three-hander bolted together with explosions of wince-inducing violence that raise the stakes sufficiently for us to be invested in characters’ fates. Dockery, Grace and Wahlberg comfortably inhabit their archetypes, the latter relishing a fake accent that he drizzles like honey over playful taunts such as, “Quite the pickle, ain’t it?” A pleasantly brisk flying time of just over 90 minutes is extremely welcome.
– Sarah Lee
Popular on LondonNet
London Cinemas Showing Flight Risk
From: Friday 14th February
To: Thursday 20th February
Cineworld At The O2, Greenwich
Sat-Thu 17:10
Fri 11:00
Fri 23:20; Sat 22:40; Sun-Wed 19:40 22:00; Thu 21:00
Fri 12:00
Tue 09:00
Sat 00:10; Wed 00:00
Sun 09:25; Thu 23:20
Sat 22:45; Sun 23:40; Mon 23:25; Tue 23:50; Wed 23:30; Thu 09:15
Sat/Thu 23:00 00:30 (Sat); Sun 00:00; Tue 09:15 23:15
Sat 09:10; Sun 09:15; Mon 17:55; Tue 23:40; Wed 11:50
Sat 09:30 11:45 19:00; Mon 14:55; Tue 22:25; Wed 20:00; Thu 22:40
Sat 19:30 00:25; Sun 08:35 20:00; Mon 18:55; Tue 09:35 18:15; Wed 09:00 12:30 19:30 00:15; Thu 20:00 22:20
From: Friday 21st February
To: Thursday 27th February
No cinema infomation at the moment
UK and Irish Cinemas Showing Flight Risk
From: Friday 14th February
To: Thursday 20th February
Cineworld Aberdeen – Queens Link
Fri/Sat 20:20; Mon 11:10 15:50; Tue-Thu 12:00 15:50 20:20
Sat 20:10; Wed 21:00
18:40 21:00
Sat-Wed 18:10; Thu 17:40
17:10 (Sat-Thu) 20:50
Cineworld Boldon Tyne And Wear
Fri/Wed/Thu 13:00 (Wed/Thu) 20:10; Sat 17:20 20:10; Sun 20:15; Mon 13:20 17:10; Tue 11:00 13:00 13:20 20:15
Sat-Thu 20:20
Fri/Sun/Tue/Thu 20:10; Wed 19:40
Sun 19:30; Tue 20:45
Sat 22:30; Sun/Tue/Thu 13:00 (Tue/Thu) 21:15; Mon/Wed 13:00 21:10
Fri 12:30
Fri 13:00
18:10 (Sat-Thu) 20:40
Fri/Sun/Tue/Thu 20:20; Sat/Mon/Wed 17:10
Cineworld Glasgow – Renfrew Street
Sat-Thu 12:20 (Thu) 17:10
Cineworld Harlow – Harvey Centre
Fri 13:00
Fri 21:30; Sat/Tue-Thu 16:10 21:30 (Sat)
Fri/Sat 22:10
Fri/Sat/Mon-Thu 10:20 (Sat/Mon-Thu) 12:40 (Sat/Mon-Thu) 18:40 21:00; Sun 10:20 12:40 18:40
Sat-Thu 14:50
Fri-Wed 20:10
Sat/Sun/Tue/Wed 10:15 (Sat/Sun/Tue) 18:00; Mon 17:40; Thu 17:15
Sat-Thu 17:50
Fri/Sat 22:20; Sun 19:40
Thu 20:20
Mon 21:30
Wed 21:30; Thu 21:00
Odeon Luxe Birmingham Broadway Plaza
Fri/Mon-Wed 21:50; Sat 18:30 23:20; Sun 19:00; Thu 18:15
Odeon Luxe Liverpool Switch Island
Sat 22:00
Mon 20:20
Fri/Sat 23:00
Sat 21:40
Fri 23:40; Sat/Sun 15:15 20:45 23:50 (Sat); Mon 15:15; Tue-Thu 15:10 20:45
Showcase Cinema De Lux Southampton
Sat 23:20; Sun/Tue-Thu 18:50
Sat 23:45; Thu 11:15
Sat 23:15; Sun 22:05; Thu 19:10
Sat 22:00; Sun 20:00 22:20; Mon 20:35; Tue 20:30; Wed 19:20 21:20; Thu 20:00 22:40
Vue Basingstoke Festival Place
Sat 22:45; Sun 21:45; Mon/Wed/Thu 20:00 21:40 (Wed); Tue 17:45
Sat 23:40; Sun 23:10; Tue 20:40 22:55; Wed 20:30 23:15
Sat 09:40; Tue 21:15; Wed 17:00; Thu 22:20
Sat 10:45; Sun 00:20; Mon 18:15; Tue 19:05; Thu 19:15
Sat 15:05 18:55 20:45; Sun 17:00 18:55; Mon 18:40; Tue 16:40 20:00; Wed/Thu 19:25
Sun 19:30
Sat 23:20; Sun 22:55; Mon 18:35 23:35; Tue 20:45; Wed 23:45; Thu 19:00
Sat 20:30; Sun 14:05 00:05; Tue 23:00; Wed 18:25 23:25; Thu 18:50 23:05
Sat 00:00; Sun 23:00; Mon 17:30 22:35; Wed 20:00; Thu 22:05
Sat 09:25; Sun 22:10; Tue 18:15; Wed 19:15
Sat 23:25; Sun 22:50; Tue 23:05; Wed 23:00
Tue 21:10
Sun 09:00
Sat 19:45; Sun/Thu 19:00 22:35 (Thu); Mon 18:45; Tue 09:15 17:50 20:05; Wed 16:30 20:00 22:30
Sat 09:40; Tue 20:30
Sat 20:30 22:45; Sun 18:30; Tue 20:40; Wed 20:35; Thu 20:00 22:20
Mon 20:30
Sat 19:30; Mon 23:55; Tue 23:50; Wed 20:30; Thu 00:00
Sat 17:45 22:55; Sun 19:30; Mon 15:15; Tue 19:35
Sat 00:00; Sun/Tue 20:00 22:15 (Tue); Mon 19:20; Wed 21:35; Thu 21:55
Sat 23:15; Sun 09:35; Tue 22:25; Wed 11:40; Thu 10:10
Sat/Thu 17:00 (Thu) 19:30; Sun 17:00 22:40; Mon 22:45; Tue 17:00 22:50; Wed 22:10
Sat 19:00 21:30 00:10; Sun 17:50 23:00; Mon 14:15 17:30 19:15; Tue 19:45 22:15; Wed 11:40 19:20 20:00; Thu 13:35 19:30 22:00
Mon 17:45; Tue 21:20; Wed 20:00
Sat 18:20 23:10; Sun 17:45; Mon/Tue 13:10; Wed 13:15 18:10; Thu 13:20
Wed 20:05 22:05; Thu 11:45
Sat 16:30 21:10 23:30; Sun 18:45; Mon 18:10 23:15; Tue 17:45; Wed 20:00; Thu 18:10 23:10
Sat 23:10
Sun 18:30 23:40; Wed 12:35; Thu 11:00
Sat 23:50; Mon/Wed 23:05; Thu 11:25
Sat 23:05; Tue 22:20
Sat 23:15; Sun 22:55; Mon 23:10; Tue 23:50
Sat 19:30; Sun 16:35; Tue 19:05 00:05; Wed 19:25 00:00; Thu 20:25
Sun 21:45
Sun 18:55; Tue 22:30; Wed 21:45; Thu 22:25
Sun 22:25; Mon 18:35; Tue 19:30; Wed 20:00
Sat 19:10; Sun 23:15; Mon 22:45; Tue 18:15 22:55; Wed 23:20; Thu 19:45
Sat 09:00; Sun 09:30; Thu 22:55
Sat 23:15; Sun 23:05
Sat 23:00; Mon 21:15; Tue 21:20
Mon 17:30; Wed 20:00; Thu 20:50
Sat 20:30 23:00; Sun 09:45; Mon 20:30 22:10 23:25; Tue 20:00; Wed 18:50; Thu 09:00 19:50 22:05
Vue Manchester Quayside (Media City UK)
Sat/Sun 20:00; Tue 20:45 23:15
Sat 20:40; Sun 19:30; Mon 12:45; Tue 13:25; Wed 11:55 20:00 22:20; Thu 12:25 14:30 20:00 22:25
Tue 19:20
Sat 23:55; Thu 23:10
Sat 00:00; Sun 23:00; Mon 23:40; Tue 18:30 20:40; Wed 17:45 20:30; Thu 22:30
Sat 18:15 23:05 00:05; Tue 23:50; Wed 23:45; Thu 23:55
Tue 23:45; Wed 22:50
Sat 19:30 23:45; Sun 17:15 23:45; Mon 17:00; Tue 17:45; Wed 20:30 23:30; Thu 20:00 22:45
Sat 17:45 19:30; Sun 16:30 19:30; Mon 18:55 21:40 23:55; Tue 13:35 18:10 20:35; Wed 17:30 20:00; Thu 18:50 23:30
Sat 19:25; Sun 20:00 23:05; Tue/Wed 22:55; Thu 19:55
Sun 09:45; Tue 22:55; Wed 19:20
Sat/Tue 19:30 00:05 (Sat); Sun 22:50; Wed 20:00; Thu 18:55 22:55
Sat 21:15 23:30; Sun 22:30; Mon 18:50 22:40; Tue 19:30; Wed 20:00 22:00; Thu 18:10
Sat 19:00; Sun 18:20; Mon 20:40; Tue 22:30; Wed 19:25
Sat 20:45; Sun 00:00; Mon 23:40; Tue 19:35; Wed 18:20 23:35; Thu 22:50
Sat 12:10; Sun 09:35; Thu 20:00 22:20
Mon 22:15; Wed 22:30
Sat 23:10; Sun 21:45; Mon 13:15
Sat/Sun 19:30 23:15 (Sat); Tue-Thu 20:00 22:20 (Tue/Wed)
Sun 17:45; Mon 20:40 23:05; Tue 21:15; Wed 18:35
Sun 21:40; Tue 20:40; Thu 22:25
Sat 23:05; Sun 17:55; Tue 19:20; Wed 18:45 23:15; Thu 22:45
Mon 23:15; Tue 17:45
Sat 17:40 23:00; Sun/Wed 19:30; Mon 18:50; Tue 20:40; Thu 17:00
From: Friday 21st February
To: Thursday 27th February
No cinema infomation at the moment