Flight Risk (Subtitled) (15)
Cast: Michelle Dockery, Topher Grace, Mark WahlbergGenre: Action
Author(s): Jared Rosenberg
Director: Mel Gibson
Release Date: 24/01/2025
Running Time: 91mins
Country: US
Year: 2025
US Marshal Madolyn Harris tracks down mob boss Moretti's fugitive accountant Winston to the Igloo Motel in Alaska and places him in protective custody in exchange for explosive testimony against his former employer. She charters a plane to Anchorage to personally escort Winston to an impending trial in New York. Once the pair are airborne, Winston notices the photograph on Daryl Booth's pilot's licence doesn't match the man sitting behind the controls.
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London Cinemas Showing Flight Risk (Subtitled)
From: Friday 7th February
To: Thursday 13th February
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From: Friday 14th February
To: Thursday 20th February
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UK and Irish Cinemas Showing Flight Risk (Subtitled)
From: Friday 7th February
To: Thursday 13th February
No cinema infomation at the moment
From: Friday 14th February
To: Thursday 20th February
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