Baratometrajes 2.0: El Futuro Del Cine Hecho En Espana + Cines Por Segundo: Sabanas Blancas
Cast: Chiqui Caravante, Cesar Del Alamo, Alex de la Iglesia, Joaquin Fuentes, Roger Gual, Jaume BalagueroGenre: Documentary
Author(s): Rosa Cabrera, Gorka Cornejo, Luis Macias
Director: Hugo Serra, Daniel San Roman, Mariela Artiles
Running Time: 149mins
Country: Sp
Year: /20132014
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London Cinemas Showing Baratometrajes 2.0: El Futuro Del Cine Hecho En Espana + Cines Por Segundo: Sabanas Blancas
From: Friday 14th February
To: Thursday 20th February
No cinema infomation at the moment
From: Friday 21st February
To: Thursday 27th February
No cinema infomation at the moment
UK and Irish Cinemas Showing Baratometrajes 2.0: El Futuro Del Cine Hecho En Espana + Cines Por Segundo: Sabanas Blancas
From: Friday 14th February
To: Thursday 20th February
No cinema infomation at the moment
From: Friday 21st February
To: Thursday 27th February
No cinema infomation at the moment