Home Avatar: An IMAX 3D Experience

Avatar: An IMAX 3D Experience (12A)

Cast: CCH Pounder, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez, Giovanni Ribisi, Zoe Saldana, Sam Worthington, Stephen Lang
Genre: SciFi
Author(s): James Cameron
Director: James Cameron
Release Date: 17/12/2009 (selected cinemas)
Running Time: 161mins
Country: US
Year: 2009

Paraplegic war veteran Jake Sully enlists under warmonger Colonel Miles Quaritch, who is attempting to infiltrate an alien race, the Na’vi, on their home planet of Pandora, which conceals vast deposits of an ore, which is worth millions of dollars. Unfortunately, Pandora will not support human life so doctor Grace comes up with a revolutionary plan to meld the minds of soldiers with Na’vi doppelgangers, who can move amongst the aliens undetected.

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From: Friday 14th February
To: Thursday 20th February

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From: Friday 21st February
To: Thursday 27th February

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UK and Irish Cinemas Showing Avatar: An IMAX 3D Experience

From: Friday 14th February
To: Thursday 20th February

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From: Friday 21st February
To: Thursday 27th February

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