If the dark gloomy weather is getting you down, why not beat the winter blues with some colourful foods that are pleasing to the eye and great for boosting your health.
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• Red is for tomatoes, rich in lycopene which protects your heart and arteries against damage. From cherry, beef to tinned varieties, tomatoes are a great addition to sauces, salads, soups and stews.
• Orange is for apricots, butternut squash, oranges, carrots and sweet potatoes. Rich in vitamin C, carotenoids and bioflavonoids, they’re a healthy treat for your heart, eyes and immune system.
• Yellow foods such as lemons, pineapples and mangos ooze exotic vibes. Frozen, tinned or on the cob, sweetcorn is a vibrant addition to pasta, baked potatoes and fish pie. Go bananas for a dose of B vitamins and potassium to help reduce blood pressure.
• Green apples, pears, cucumbers, beans, courgettes, peppers, leeks, rocket, kale, watercress and spinach are great ingredients to experiment with. Many dark leafy green vegetables are rich in omega 3 for a healthy heart and brain.
• Blue/Purple plums, prunes, grapes, beetroot, blueberries, cabbage and aubergines give that final dash of colour to your plate plus health-promoting antioxidants.
Go for a winter rainbow on your plate to give your health that extra boost until spring comes and adds some colour of its own.