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We’re a finicky bunch, Londoners, but thankfully LondonNet has your tips on keeping all-things-dating smooth and successful…
– Go into the first date expecting nothing more than a quick kiss or snog. Most people won’t hop into bed on the first night.
– Avoid talking about exes, politics, marriage, money and other touchy subjects – keep the conversation light and fun in the beginning.
– Go Dutch. Offer to pay your tab even if you know your date will grab the bill.
– Inform a friend of your evening’s plans. It’s always better to be overly cautious when spending time with new people.
– Be on time – just like a job interview, your date is scoping you out, and showing up on the dot is a sign of respect.
– Ask plenty of questions. Show that you’re interested by listening and making insightful comments.
– Use an uncomfortable silence to your advantage. First dates are full of awkward moments – just take a drink, change the subject or make a joke out of them.
– Be honest and confident from the beginning – if the relationship goes far, you’ll be happy you were straight-forward.
Lauren Burke
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