BORIS JOHNSON’S housing polices will create further wealth divides in London, according to the boss of Shelter.

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“Those most in need will be exiled to the poorer, eastern fringes of the city, where transport, jobs and services are scarcer and the difficulties in building positive, achieving lives are greater,” warned Adam Sampson, CEO of the housing charity.

“The Mayor’s proposals will, if implemented, serve merely to perpetuate the wealth and class divisions in the nation’s capital.”

In a speech to be given to the Progressive London conference next week, Sampson will draw attention to Johnson’s abandonment of the rule that said half of new building in each council area had to be affordable housing and to the mayor’s lack of any plan to “respond to the drying up of supply caused by the flight of buyers – and lenders – from the private housing market.”

Perhaps with a view to helping those stuck on the “eastern fringes” mentioned by Sampson, Johnson has announced half price bus and tram travel for London’s unemployed.

“I want to help the thousands of Londoners who, during these tough times, will find themselves looking for work, by making it easier for them to get around the city when travelling to interviews and accessing other amenities that will help them find jobs,” said Johnson.

The half price travel scheme gets underway on 1 April.