Victoria Beckham has facials containing sheep placenta.

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The 38-year-old star makes regular visits to Beverly Hills’ dermatologist Dr Harold Lancer for the anti-ageing treatments, which cost $500 and contain gold particles as well as the animal stem cells.

A spokesperson for Dr Lancer told the Daily Mail: ”Victoria is a devotee of Dr Lancer’s products and is someone who always wants the latest and best in anti-ageing treatment.

”She has had the stem cell facial several times already. She visits the office every two weeks when she is in town.”

Dr. Lancer – who also treats Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian and Renee Zellweger – says the treatment gives ”instant results” and helps reduce wrinkles.

He explained: ”The treatment provides instant results. Patients report decreased wrinkles and a glowing complexion.

”The stem cells interact with your own cells, basically telling them to wake up, produce collagen and stimulate new cell growth. Gold particles are included as gold helps to diffuse the stem cells and acts as the transdermal delivery system to help it work into the skin.”

This is not the first unusual beauty treatment which Victoria – who has sons Brooklyn, 12, Romeo, nine, and Cruz, seven, and daughter Harper, 10 months, with husband David Beckham – has been revealed to be a fan of.

She is believed to enjoy a ”nightingale poop” treatment made from the excrement of a rare Japanese bird and uses a night cream containing bee venom.